March 31 AFS Return Travel Update for Host Families, Students, and Volunteers

March 31 AFS Return Travel Update for Host Families, Students, and Volunteers

Dear Host Families, Hosted Participants in the US, and AFS-USA Volunteers,

Thank you for your ongoing support of AFS and our students during this unprecedented time. Two weeks ago, we began returning students to their families in their home countries. Since that time, more than 1200 hosted participants in the US were returned to their home countries, including over 700 students between Friday, March 27 and Monday, March 30.

We continue to work with AFS in each student’s home country to arrange return travel, as conditions allow. During the coming week, our priority is to begin the process of arranging for participants from the following countries to depart the US:

Costa Rica 

France (While many traveled last week, we are working on travel for remaining students this week.)
Thailand (Select Area Teams ONLY, those Teams and Thais in those teams in the first group have already been notified)

In the weeks ahead, AFS-USA will continue to return students home to their home countries, until all students have returned to their families. As has been stated previously, the return of students will continue to depend upon whether domestic travel in the US and international flights to their home countries can be arranged. As flights are confirmed, AFS-USA staff will email and call the student and host family with return travel details.

Host families and their hosted students from countries where we know travel will not be able to be arranged for at least another 2-3 weeks will receive an email from us later this week. AFS Volunteers who work with these students will be copied on this message.

In closing, this is an unprecedented time for AFS, for our staff, our volunteers, our host families, and our students. We are extraordinarily grateful to every family for the continued support you are providing to your hosted student. You are exemplifying the mission at a time when our students need you the most.

Thank you,