MyAFS & Global Link Revamped to Improve School Staff Info!

MyAFS & Global Link Revamped to Improve School Staff Info!

Recent changes launched in MyAFS and Global Link improve how we record and partner with individuals who work in schools.  Rather than simply listing the names and email addresses of various school staff members in our schools sections, we are now treating school personnel like we do host families, volunteers, and study abroad participants – we have created AFS person records for them!  As a result, some Global Link views have changed, AND it is now easier for volunteers to add new school staff people on MyAFS.  For details about school information in MyAFS and Global Link, please see Learn about Local Schools in Help and Learning.

If you have any questions about the changes or if you have suggestions for future improvements to our schools information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the School Partnerships staff for your team.

Fun Global Link Facts: On May 31st, 2022,

  • 9,690 new person records were created from schools data,
  • 13,291 school-related affiliations were added, and
  • 6,234 schools were updated!