MyAFS Webinars Are Returning

MyAFS Webinars Are Returning

Welcome to the AFS family.  As a new or newly returning volunteer, we would like to offer this information session on how to use MyAFS and other resources available to you.

We will hold a live demonstration of MyAFS and have time for Q&A. That, and more will be part of our Intro to MyAFS webinar on April, 8th! We also plan to offer two more sessions in May.

Click here to register for a session that works best for you! And let us know if you have any specific questions or requests to cover at during the webinar!

In preparation for the upcoming webinar, here is a link that will walk you through the basics of where your resources are located.  It’s not homework, but a wonderful way to be in the know. If you attended the 2020 National Volunteer Summit or the 2021 Hosting Academy, this may look familiar to you! Check out the AFS Tools & Resources clip here.

Looking forward to meeting you!