New: A Handy “Remove” Button for Old School Staff Contacts

New: A Handy “Remove” Button for Old School Staff Contacts

A handy new “Remove” button makes it even easier to update school information in MyAFS.

We encourage you to look up your local school in MyAFS to confirm if the staff contact people are correct.  If not, you can use the brand new “Remove” button to remove anyone who no longer works at the school, and you can Add the correct contact person.  {Insert image}

Of note, the School Hosting Contact is typically the person who needs to be contacted to approve a student (even if that person is the same as the person who signs the PAF).  The PAF Signer is not removable because it is meant to show the history of the last person to sign.  If you need to update a PAF signer, consider adding that person as the School Hosting Contact or reach out to staff for assistance.

If you have any questions about school information in MyAFS or Global Link, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the School Partnerships Staff!