Do you regularly use student bio sheets and get to knows to share hosted student information with potential host families? We have an update for you!
AFS-USA, in collaboration with volunteers, has rebranded hosted student bio sheets and get to knows, making them more engaging, informational, and multipurpose. You’ll be able to access student bio sheets and get to knows the same way, through Global Link:
They have a new look and feel, designed to generate new hosting leads and engage current audiences by:
- Providing straightforward calls-to-action for those who want to learn more about AFS-USA before deciding to host
- Providing locally specific contact information
- Highlighting the diversity of AFS-USA stakeholders, including host families and hosted participants
- Offering an easy way to highlight students – use them as flyers, pass them out at events, or send them to potential hosts via email!
To further customize student bios and highlight students arriving this fall, consider utilizing the following resources:
- Meet the Students Social Media & Flyer Canva Templates
- Student Bio Fillable Social Media Posts (PDF)
- Customizable Student Bio Cards
- Customizable Student Bio Flyer
- Customizable Student Bio Flyer (with SP logos)
- Customizable Flyer to highlight three hosted student bios (Version 1)
- Customizable Flyer to highlight three hosted student bios (Version 2)
Feedback or suggestions for improvements are welcome and can be sent to