New Deadline Structure for Sending Programs

New Deadline Structure for Sending Programs

In an effort to align with the application “portal stages” in the sending journey, there will now be two different deadlines for students.

Application deadline: Displayed on each program page on the public-facing website, the application deadline will be the date by which a student must complete their four ‘Get Started’ tasks. These are all tasks that can be done by the student him or herself, and do not require any 3rd party involvement.

Paperwork deadline: Displayed on each student’s application Dashboard when in the ‘Next Steps’ portal stage, the paperwork deadline is the date that that they must submit their supporting documents. These include items like the medical form and teacher recommendation.

The application fee has been moved from the end of the process to right after the initial “application deadline.” After submitting their application, students will have a phone call with a Study Abroad Specialist (the “Applied call”), and then will pay the $200 non-refundable application fee. This change has been made in an effort to ensure that the applicants we have in the pipeline are committed and have something invested in the process. (Note that the $200 fee now applies to Global Prep programs as well).

Be sure to remind students that spots fill on a rolling basis and encourage them to complete their tasks before the deadlines.