NEW Search by County Feature in Global Link

NEW Search by County Feature in Global Link

Exciting news! AFS Volunteers can now perform searches in Global Link by County for Persons, Service Cases, and Host Family Applications.

Thanks to this new filter, you can search for the county listed in a person’s home address. Here’s what you need to know:

  • In every ‘Person’ record you will see a new ‘County’ field in each address section.
  • You can search by ‘County’ using the new filter in the Person Search, Service Case Search, and Host Family Application Search.
  • Counties of persons already in Global Link have been auto-filled based on ZIP code (if their ZIP matches a ZIP found in our database).
  • Moving forward, newly created person records will also have the County field auto-filled based on ZIP code.
  • Staff can change the county if needed, so please contact your TDS if you notice any errors or missing ZIP codes!