NSLI-Y Interview Candidate Names Available in Global Link!

NSLI-Y Interview Candidate Names Available in Global Link!

We’d like to share some exciting updates regarding the interview season below.

NSLI-Y Interview Candidate Information in Global Link!
Great news! You can now find the contact information of the NSLI-Y academic year and summer candidates to be interviewed in your area on Global Link under the ‘NSLI’ Responsible Org! If you have any trouble accessing this information, you can follow the Global Link instructions, or contact a SIC for assistance: nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org.

Interview coordinators are now able and encouraged to reach out to your candidates to let them know that you’ll be coordinating their interview. You can find an email template for this notification here.

Resources for Conducting Interviews Virtually
Interview season staff strongly recommend using Zoom to conduct your virtual interviews and Calendly to schedule them. These are reliable, secure platforms. AFS staff are experienced with both platforms and can help you with set up, give you guidance on how to use the platforms, and assist with any difficulties, as needed. Interviews for this season may be conducted in-person or virtually, depending on local conditions and the comfort of the interviewer and the student.

We have created a Zoom best practices guide specifically for our interview season, and you can also reference last season’s webinar for Zoom and Calendly basics. The password to access the webinar is: Interviews2020!

You are also welcome to contact our team at nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org at any time with questions.

Virtual Interview Events
AFS-USA staff will run the first Virtual Interview Event of the season on Tuesday, December 21st from 3-5 PM Eastern. In addition to interviewing candidates, this event is designed to introduce ICs and volunteers to the structure and flow of Virtual Interview Events. Volunteers are welcome to join and observe how virtual interview events run and, because you won’t be interviewing candidates yourself, after listening to the beginning presentations and opening remarks, you’re invited to remain in the “main room” of the event to chat with AFS staff members, about any questions you may have regarding Virtual Interview Events. If you’re interested, please register here by Thursday (12/16).

Required Training Webinars
All volunteer interviewers must attend or watch this season’s training webinar. Training webinars are recorded and available to watch as an on-demand recording on the NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Interviews MyAFS Help and Learning page.

Interview Form Submission Reminder
As a reminder, NSLI-Y/YES Abroad interview forms must be submitted 72 hours after the interview is conducted. The 2021/22 interview form will be released shortly, although you can begin reaching out to students today! Reach out to your SIC for scheduling virtual individual interviews as well as virtual interview events, per the above.

As always, please contact your SIC or nsliyinterviews@afsusa.org with any questions. We look forward to continuing to work together this interview season!