Register for the June 14th Volunteer Town Hall

Register for the June 14th Volunteer Town Hall

You’re invited to join Tara Hofmann, President and CEO of AFS-USA, for an AFS-USA Volunteer Town Hall on Tuesday, June 14th, at 7:30 PM ET. Tara will provide some brief updates on a couple of things, especially national host family recruitment. She’ll then be joined by several current students and host family members to help us celebrate the impact of the AFS experience and the difference you are making in this very troubled and fragile world.

In order to attend, you’ll simply need to register at the link below. If you have questions on your mind, please submit them beforehand here and we’ll get to as many as we can.

Register Today

We hope to see you on the 14th! If you can’t make it, don’t worry. We’ll record and post the Town Hall on MyAFS News.

With warm regards,