Remember to contact host families this spring

Remember to contact host families this spring

Spring In-Person Host Family Contact

As you continue to contact participants and host families on a monthly basis, please keep in mind that the Department of State requires an in-person contact to be made with the host family during the spring. If you have not already recorded an in-person Host Family contact since January 1, please make sure at least one is completed before the end of this program cycle.

Contacts & Visits

With the last few months of the NH16 cycle, please remember to complete all necessary contacts and visits. At this time in the year we typically see a drop in the compliance percentages for monthly contacts, but spring is an excellent time to reach out to your student(s). April is filled with cultural events that our students may have a chance to experience and are probably eager to tell you about: April Fools’ Day pranks, Passover Seder, Easter egg hunts, Earth Day, and even the start of baseball season. April is an excellent month to talk with your student about some of these aspects of American culture!