Reminder: April 29th Sign-Up Deadline for Foundations Course

Reminder: April 29th Sign-Up Deadline for Foundations Course

What is Foundations?

Foundations of Intercultural Learning and Global Competence, otherwise known as “Foundations”, is the new introductory level of the AFS Intercultural Link Learning Program — AFS’s training and assessment program to increase our intercultural and global competence as volunteers and staff. For more information about the training, including an introductory video, please click here.

To maximize the impact on your team, AFS recommends that Teams allocate these spots to volunteers involved in the orientation and support of host families and participants, and those volunteers who are in a position to share their learning with fellow Team members. Volunteers who participate will be expected to complete 11 online learning modules and participate in 2-3 Zoom calls with AFS Volunteers from around the world, all prior to NH21 arrivals. Participating volunteers may also be asked to complete a pre- and post-course assessment and to share the impact of the training on their experience as an AFS Volunteer in 2022.

How do I sign up?

The next Foundations course begins May 5th. Please contact your Area Team Chair to apply. Area Team Chairs have been asked to submit details on behalf of each interested volunteer no later than April 29th.

Enrollment Details

  • Area Team
  • Name Team Chair
  • Name of volunteer enrollee
  • Primary volunteer role of enrollee
  • Email address of enrollee

Special thanks to the group of AFS-USA Volunteers who participated in a pilot of Foundations in the fall of 2020, and a subcommittee of the same, including Ted Johnson, Susan Knowles-Berry and Ann Ruhman, who all supported making Foundations available to Teams. Staff and volunteers will assess the impact of Foundations after the 2021-22 cycle and determine whether to seek ways to expand the use of it in future cycles.