School Outreach Needs Your School Photos

School Outreach Needs Your School Photos

The excitement of hosting our awesome AFS exchange students has begun! Now that students have arrived, taking lots of pictures is natural. While we have amazing photos of students meeting their host families for the first time, AFS School Outreach needs your help in capturing pictures of students at school.

As host families enroll their exchange students in school and gear up for their first days, please encourage everyone on your team to submit photos of ALL THINGS SCHOOL RELATED.

Examples include:

  1. A picture with their school locker
  2. A picture in the cafeteria or going through the lunch line (or even packing their lunch)
  3. A picture meeting a teacher, scheduling their classes or meeting the principal
  4. A picture with the school bus or their form of transportation to school
  5. What represents the students’ first days of school? Surprise us with your creativity!

We welcome and encourage ALL school-related photos (action shots preferred) and are looking forward to including them in our upcoming website updates for educators and schools! Wouldn’t it be fun if your local school was highlighted?

Encourage your students and families to submit these photos using this easy photo/video submission form!