Drumbeat: Share Our New “Meet the Students” Page!

Drumbeat: Share Our New “Meet the Students” Page!

Have you seen the re-designed “Meet the Students” page? It’s easier than ever to find bios of students coming to your area, and it now includes lots of new student audio introductions. We can’t wait to share it with potential host families!

Want to share on Facebook? Highlight and copy one of these sample captions below, and then click “Go to post.” Once you’ve opened the AFS-USA Facebook post, click the “Share” button and then paste your caption into the text area.

Sample 1: International students from all over the world will be arriving in [your area] soon! Help spread the word that we’re looking for families to volunteer and host them!

Sample 2: Hey, @Name, there are some awesome international students here that I think you and your family would really like to meet!

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