Spring Refresh ECA Programs Workshop Wrap Up

Spring Refresh ECA Programs Workshop Wrap Up

Thank you to all the AFS volunteers, staff, partners, and alumni who participated in our Spring Refresh ECA Programs Workshop last month! We had over 60 volunteers across many time zones join us virtually to network, attend guest speaker sessions, watch YES and FLEX country presentations, hear from YES alumni and partners, and discuss ongoing efforts to place students and educate communities about ECA Programs in general.

Our session recordings are available to view on the Workshop’s Sched page until April 1, 2022 for anyone who registered.

We’d also like to express congratulations to our virtual raffle winners – Darlene Frederickson, Sarah Yancey, Linda Sherry, and Philip Clar – who have all won a copy of Mark Collard’s book, Serious Fun: Your Step-By-Step Guide To Leading Remarkably Fun Programs That Make A Difference.

If you have any questions about the Workshop, please reach out to ECAPrograms@afsusa.org. Thank you again to everyone for joining us, and we hope to see you in-person at the next ECA Programs Workshop!