Study Abroad 101 Town Hall Recording

Study Abroad 101 Town Hall Recording

Thank you to all AFS-USA volunteers that attended and participated in the Study Abroad 101 Town Hall!

It was a great opportunity to share information about a variety of topics related to study abroad. We also appreciate hearing from volunteers the common questions that you get when promoting study abroad in your communities.

For any volunteers that were unable to attend, please check out a recording of the Study Abroad 101 Town Hall.

In addition to the recording, please click here for a PDF of the presentation which includes some helpful resources that we discussed during the Town Hall.

Study Abroad 101 was the first in a series of Town Halls the Study Abroad Experience and Operations Team plans to have with volunteers. Please keep an eye out during the month of December for more information on upcoming Town Halls.

As always, if you have any questions about our study abroad programs or about an AFS application, please do not hesitate to contact our team at


Study Abroad Experience and Operations Team