Study Abroad Specialist Regional Assignments

Study Abroad Specialist Regional Assignments

​Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

I am very pleased to announce that we are finished with our rehiring process! We were very lucky and appreciative to have so many wonderful applicants, and felt that this necessitated a thorough review of the applicants that we selected. Now, I would like to introduce our three newest members of the Study Abroad Specialist team:

Argina Girsang –  Argina started as a seasonal with Sponsored Programs before transitioning to our team. She has taken on every new task with a smile and a desire to contribute to the success of the Customer Experience Department, whether that be through calling leads, obtaining visa documents, or reviewing applications. We are very happy to have Argina join the Specialist team! Argina will be assigned to the West 3 and West 4 Teams.

Jeffrei Morel – Jeffrei comes to us with a background in both sales and business administration. He has extensive work experience in the customer service realm, with specific experience as a professional development, business development, and sales/customer service trainer. He discovered his passion for working with non-profits through his involvement with AMIDEAST in Morocco. There he worked with executive level staff on professional development plans for members of the non-profit community. He is passionate about intercultural and international work, and is excited to put his skills to use at AFS-USA! Jeffrei will be the Study Abroad Specialist assigned to the East 2 Team.

Arista Ely – Arista comes to us with a strong international education background. She received her MA from the University of Denver in International Development and studied abroad with American University in Italy. She also spent time living in Sarajevo, working with a foundation there as a Project Development Assistant and as a Program Coordinator with the University of Denver’s Global Practice Bosnia Program. Most recently she has been working as an International English Instructor with Education First. Arista has also been a Sending volunteer with AFS-USA’s Mass Bay Area Team for the past five months, bringing a unique perspective and skill-set to her new position as Study Abroad Specialist. Arista will be starting on Monday, July 10th and will be assigned to the East 1 Team.

Click here for a full list of assignments. Soon you will also be able to view your Study Abroad Specialist and their contact information on MyAFS in the Team Directory.

Please bear with us as we finalize this transition, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions at!

My best,

Caitlin Schneider​