In honor of AFS’s 75th anniversary, The AFS Exchange is releasing 4 episodes this month! That’s 4 times the stories of the impact AFS has had over the years. Listen at!
Tag: #AFSeffect
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Brazilian culture & food, November’s international diners club is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, November 8th at 7:30 pm EST.
Inspiring highlights from an event held by the founders of the Yoshi Hattori scholarship, which has been awarded to U.S. students going to Japan for three decades.
Visit our Building your Skills Help & Learning page for examples and tutorials of what you could add to your resume, LinkedIn profile, and more!
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Azerbaijan culture, October’s international diners club is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30 pm EST.
AFS-USA is celebrating 75 years of empowering people to become globally engaged citizens by delivering meaningful intercultural experiences. Share your AFS story with us today!
Nominate a Global Educator or Global School Today!
To celebrate and learn more about the diverse cultures of people with Hispanic and Latino/a/x identities, check out our collection of resources to use now and all year round.
Save the date: Our next International Diners Club call is scheduled for Monday, September 12th at 7:30 pm ET!
Do you know any motivated returnees or host siblings ages 15-21 you think would be a good fit? Encourage them to apply now through 9/12 – before it’s too late!