2023 National Hosting Kick-Off Info and Resources

2023 National Hosting Kick-Off Info and Resources

Thank you to all who attended the 2023 National Hosting Kick-Off, co-led by Hosting Staff and the Hosting Advisory Group! Over 120 volunteers and staff helped us kick-off the 2023 hosting placement cycle!

For those who could not attend, the meeting/event was held on January 12, 2023 from 8:00-9:00pm Eastern.

As a follow-up to the Kick-Off, this MyAFS Help & Learning Article has been created with the following resources:

  • Recording of the 2022 National Hosting Kick-Off
  • Presentation slides from the 2022 National Hosting Kick-Off
  • Word Cloud of “How Attendees to the National Kick-Off are feeling about the NH23 Hosting Placement Cycle to Come!”
  • Sending Partner Director Messages of Encouragement

The Hosting Advisory Group and Regional Field Specialists/Directors will continue to provide opportunities for National Volunteer collaboration, connection, mutual support and energy-building in the coming months, including country-specific sessions highlighting key Sending Partner countries – so please stay tuned for opportunities in the coming days/weeks!

If you would like to connect with a staff member to discuss becoming more involved in the Hosting Advisory Group or supporting hosting efforts in your Area Team, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Sara Roberts (Regional Director) at sroberts@afsusa.org.

Lastly, as noted during the meeting, over 200 participant applications were released for placement on Friday. In total over 300 participants are available for placement for the NH23 cycle and participants will continue to be made Nationally Available on a rolling basis (Monday and Friday afternoons after 2pm Eastern) as they are ready for release.

AFS-USA staff and volunteers can look forward to a collaborative and successful year to come!