Tag: #AFSeffect

AFS Changemaker Reception in Washington, D.C.

On September 12th, the AFS Community in Washington, D.C. gathered to honor several distinguished AFS Changemakers—individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of international education and the AFS Mission of building a more just and peaceful world. The honorees included: Congressman Jim Himes (D-CT) Co-Chair of the bipartisan International Exchange and Study Caucus; […]

Just one more.

Dear AFS Volunteers, Last January, over 2,000 young people across the globe began dreaming of coming to the U.S. They put their faith in the volunteers and staff of AFS-USA, and we answered accordingly. We’ve worked incredibly hard. We have shown what volunteers can do, and what U.S. citizens are truly made of. And we […]

AFS in the Media

Exchange Students Reunite After 51 Years Fifty one years ago, Regina Tommasi, an AFS Student from Brazil, and Satu Valkama, a Youth for Understanding (YFU) Student from Finland, formed a friendship as the only exchange students at New Castle High School in Indiana. Last month, Tommasi and Valkama reunited in Helsinki thanks to a New […]

AFS in the Media

The following articles are great examples of AFS-USA programs, students and families featured in the Media. Use these pieces to promote AFS in your area and as inspiration for pitching stories to your own local media outlets! You can find press release templates and pitching tips on the Field Hub, under the Downloads section of […]