Monthly Contacts requiring staff and volunteer follow-up will now produce fewer notifications emails.
Tag: Compliance
As the holidays approach and students begin to think about traveling during school breaks, note there is a new process for travel waivers. More info inside!
We are happy to announce an enhancement to the Contacts & Visits Widget- volunteers can now easily see which students are placed with Welcome and Temporary Families.
Recording of the Monthly Contacts and Visits webinar is now available on MyAFS Help and Learning. Check it out and see what comes next!
Liaisons- as we prepare for our NH19 students’ arrivals, please take note of some changes that have been made to these forms!
As a follow up to the May 2019 MyAFS News Article, the new online Student Safety Module will be incorporated into the Hosting and Support Affiliations (HSA) training as of August 1st.
The Department of State Audit is fast approaching. Please enter any unrecorded contacts & visits as soon as possible, taking the following timeline into consideration.
As Arrivals are fast approaching, we’d like to remind all volunteers that hosted students must not share a bed during any overnight AFS Orientation or Event, including Arrivals.
Join us for a June webinar on best practices for conducting host family orientations.
D-Day is almost here! What contacts or visits do you have left to complete? Help AFS’s performance in the next Department of State audit by finishing off this year strong!