This year, in partnership with RMCQA and IT, Hosting Operations has made minor updates to the Host Family Online Application.
Tag: Compliance
Liaisons can now make note in MyAFS if a contact or visit did not happen.
When searching for new AFS Host Families, Volunteers, or Sending students, many volunteers and staff members find that social media is an effective tool for promotion and recruitment. However, there are a few best practices and rules to keep in mind when posting about AFS on social media. Confidentiality Online Many Area Teams use Facebook […]
Please keep in mind that every student needs to have an Arrival Orientation completed and recorded in Global Link. If you have not already done so, please make sure all your students have been linked to an Arrival Orientation and that they have been marked as attending the activity. Any student not given a date […]
This time of year we get a lot of questions about student medical cards. This is a friendly reminder that this information is available on MyAFS and ID cards (which contain medical information) can be printed in bulk from Global Link. Once all of the students have arrived, new cards will be sent directly to […]
Each NH cycle, some of our Semester (SM) students decide that they would like to extend their program. This year’s decision deadline for program extension is November 7, 2017 with a paperwork deadline of December 8, 2017. If you become aware that a student would like to extend their program, please email the following information […]
As our community comes together to find host families for the international students arriving this fall, it’s important for all AFS Staff and Volunteers to keep certain guidelines in mind. Don’t forget that CSIET and Department of State host family recruitment standards must be met in order to ensure the privacy and safety of all participants. […]
Now that the first wave of hosted students has arrived, it’s a good time for a reminder about our contact requirements for students and host families. Maintaining regular contact throughout the year with our participants and their host families, whether in person, by phone, or at group meetings, is key to building trusting relationships, assisting them […]
AFS-USA has released its new Media Policy! Click here to access the policy in Help & Learning, and read on for an overview of this important document. WHY: The media can be a powerful tool for publicizing our impact, but there is also a risk of AFS-USA being depicted inaccurately or unfavorably. It’s important to make […]
While we hope that each student has a successful year with their host family, we’ve put together some steps to take if a student needs to change families. The new and improved Volunteer Checklist for Student Moves has been posted on MyAFS Help & Learning. The new checklist has fixed some inaccuracies from the old […]