Share AFS Project: Change with 8th – 12th grade U.S. students that are interested in a full scholarship for a 1 to 3-week Global Prep trip in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, China, Egypt, Ghana, Hungary, or Kenya! Students must submit their project proposals by November 25th at 11:59 PM EST. Their proposals must pair one to […]
Tag: Featured
This month AFS-USA is pleased to spotlight Elyse & Lewis Kalmans of the Texas Gulf Coast team.
AFS-USA students are featured in a new documentary, ‘The Smartest Kids in the World,’ which premiered Sunday at 2018 DOC NYC—America’s largest documentary festival!
We are happy to announce that we have made some changes to MyAFS based on your feedback.
Earn points for the Study Abroad Outreach Competition by joins the Scholarships #101, 102 or 103 webinars! Update on featured and existing scholarships
Sign up now for the Support Tools Webinar, happening this Thursday November 8 at 8pmET- 7pmCT- 6pmMT- 5pm PT.
If you missed our two Study Abroad Town Halls in October, we have good news! We are running another Town Hall on Monday, November 5th. We hope you will join us!
Create a local buzz about AFS Study Abroad Programs by filling out this customizable press release! Once you fill out this form, you will receive a press release and letter in an email that you can send to your local media outlets. Then, enter the Study Abroad Outreach Competition!
This Saturday, October 27th is Make a Difference Day! Since the AFS family is already committed to making the world more just and peaceful, this is a great opportunity to come together to improve the lives of others. To raise awareness and inspire simple acts of service on Make a Difference Day, we’ve compiled a […]
The Study Abroad Outreach competition encourages Area Teams to promote AFS programs in their communities. Start earning points today!