AFS International is happy to launch a series of global competence webinars for external audiences during International Education Week (Nov. 13-17, 2017).
Tag: Featured
Keep your Area Team’s site looking fresh and up to date! Here’s how to optimize your team’s page for new visitors.
We’re excited to announce the opening of the 2017 AFS International Volunteer Award Season. Each year, AFS recognizes those particularly deserving volunteers who have made significant contributions to the AFS mission. To learn more about these International Volunteer Award opportunities, please see the descriptions below. You’ll find information about each award and instructions on how […]
Dear AFS-USA Volunteers and Staff, We are happy to report that all of our remaining YP-2017 hosted students have been placed with host families and will soon be traveling to the U.S.! I want to personally congratulate all of you on this significant achievement, which was certainly not without its challenges. Two of the biggest […]
Thanks to the AFS-USA Volunteers who helped get the following articles published! Learn how you can do the same by viewing the media outreach tips and resources in Help & Learning. YES Student’s Experience Exploring the U.S. Isheka Argawal, a YES Student hosted in Virginia, wrote about her lifelong dream to visit the U.S. and discussed her experience […]
While we hope that each student has a successful year with their host family, we’ve put together some steps to take if a student needs to change families. The new and improved Volunteer Checklist for Student Moves has been posted on MyAFS Help & Learning. The new checklist has fixed some inaccuracies from the old […]
Today marks the start of Champion’s Month, a nationwide initiative to assist in host family recruitment for select groups of AFS students arriving this August. This initiative will run for approximately six weeks. Resources tailored for these select groups will be sent weekly to all Area Team Chairs and Hosting Volunteers. If you would like […]
We would like to share and remind volunteers of a few placement deadlines for our Core, BP and CBYX hosted students. July 17th, POR students (this is change from the original July 7th deadline) July 18th, ESP students (also a change from the original July 17th deadline) July 20th, For students who have to come […]
As of today, your assigned NH16/SH17 participants will no longer appear under the “My Assigned” tab in MyAFS. To enter an NH16/SH17 contact, you will need to either access your participant in the “All Participants” tab* or through Global Link. We encourage you to enter any missing contacts as soon as possible! As a reminder, […]
This week, we launched the Placements widget on MyAFS, and it has never been easier for every AFS Volunteer to see the host students that are community placed in their team and regionally available. The Placements widget is launching as we get ready for the upcoming End of Stay orientations and D-Days, which are happening […]