Across the U.S., there are a handful of non-Community Placed students appearing as available students for your team’s ZIP codes in Meet the Students and MyAFS. There are several reasons why this is happening. First, there are still a few students in Regionally Available status, each of whom will show up as being available in Meet […]
Tag: Hosting
Departure Day is just around the corner for the remainder of our students! Before you say your goodbyes, please take a few minutes to make sure that you’ve completed all the items on this June to-do list: 1. Talk or meet with your student. End-of-stay orientations and farewell events are perfect opportunities to do so. 2. […]
This week, we launched the Placements widget on MyAFS, and it has never been easier for every AFS Volunteer to see the host students that are community placed in their team and regionally available. The Placements widget is launching as we get ready for the upcoming End of Stay orientations and D-Days, which are happening […]
Each year, a few countries elect not to allow us to waive a rule (The AFS International Presidential Policy for Timely Placements) created by AFS International that requires placement earlier than we normally set our FPC deadlines. This year, those countries are POR, PER and ESP. In order to avoid additional fees/expenses charged to AFS-USA […]
In order to clarify the Religion question (Form C, Q 11) in our Host Family Online Application, we have revised the question based on feedback and input from representatives from Hosting Operations, RMCQA, Team Development and Field Operations. We hope the question is now clear, based on the department of state requirements, and helpful in […]
Congratulations! Now that it’s June, we are officially in the final month of the NH16 hosting cycle and our students will return home soon. While we understand this can be a very emotional and busy time of year, remember that every student and their host family must have a contact recorded in the month of […]
Congratulations to the Compton Family and Andrey of Brazil (of the Michigan Area Team), the winners of the 3rd annual Reel Life contest! The family has been awarded with a trip to one of four cities, joined by their hosted student, Andrey. With over 60,000 votes cast for all of the entries combined, the contest […]
You’re the experts — let your voice be heard! The U.S. Department of State, which designates organizations such as AFS to administer exchange visitor programs, will be engaging in a review of the regulations governing some of our programs this summer. Specifically with regard to the J-1 Secondary School Program (under which most AFS-USA students […]
Have you seen the re-designed “Meet the Students” page? It’s easier than ever to find bios of students coming to your area, and it now includes lots of new student audio introductions. We can’t wait to share it with potential host families! Want to share on Facebook? Highlight and copy one of these sample captions below, […]
Did you know that in order to conduct and enter a monthly contact you are only required to have your HSA trainings and DoS certifications? That means if you have contact with a student or host family, even if you are not their assigned liaison, your contact can count for that month’s requirement. This can […]