Student audio introductions are a great way for potential host families to get to know students coming this fall. Learn how to share them on Social Media!
Tag: Marketing
Today marks the start of Champion’s Month, a nationwide initiative to assist in host family recruitment for select groups of AFS students arriving this August. This initiative will run for approximately five weeks. Resources tailored for these select groups will be sent weekly to all Area Team Chairs and Hosting Volunteers, along with a national […]
Champions Month starts Tuesday, June 12th! Visit and bookmark this page for resources you can use to find host families for students from certain countries, on certain programs, or students who have special needs or placement restrictions.
Use a press release generator to create a custom hosting-focused local press release, which you can share with a local news outlet.
Today’s resource is a Press Release Generator that will email you a customized AFS press release and an email template to help you pitch the story to local media outlets. Once you fill out the form, you should receive your new press release in your email inbox. (Check your spam/junk folder if you can’t find […]
Thanks for sharing those Reel Life contest entries yesterday! Today, create a free account on, a website designed to help neighbors connect and communicate online. From there, you can post a “host families needed” type of message using our sample below as a guide. Or, write your own message! Sample Message Subject: Seeking […]
Across the country, AFS Volunteers like you are getting the word out about the opportunity to host an exchange student this fall. We’re launching an interactive campaign today to help spark a greater local interest in hosting. Each day, we’ll share a resource or idea designed to assist your Area Team’s host family recruitment effort, […]
Support the nationwide effort to recruit AFS Host Families for the upcoming 2018-19 year. Our newest cycle of international high school exchange students hail from more than 80 countries, and will be placed with host families in communities across the country ahead of their arrival in August. To help spread the world about this opportunity, […]
Student audio introductions are a great way for potential host families to get to know students coming this fall. These introductions can now be found on a student’s “Get to Know” in Global Link, and are also available on the Meet the Students page.
Dear Volunteers, As we move towards the Global Prep June 15th deadline, we want to be sure you have all the tools necessary to help your recruitment efforts. One of the easiest ways to promote our Global Prep programs is through a quick Facebook post. To simplify this process, we have created a button on […]