As we move into “sending” season, we want to make sure you’re aware of all the resources available to volunteers. New and updated marketing materials: We’re excited to announce that marketing has a newly-redesigned study abroad catalog that you can order on the Field Hub. The catalog includes an up-to-date list of year, semester, 4-8 […]
Tag: Marketing
When searching for new AFS Host Families, Volunteers, or Sending students, many volunteers and staff members find that social media is an effective tool for promotion and recruitment. However, there are a few best practices and rules to keep in mind when posting about AFS on social media. Confidentiality Online Many Area Teams use Facebook […]
AFS-USA has released its new Media Policy! Click here to access the policy in Help & Learning, and read on for an overview of this important document. WHY: The media can be a powerful tool for publicizing our impact, but there is also a risk of AFS-USA being depicted inaccurately or unfavorably. It’s important to make […]
Today marks the start of Champion’s Month, a nationwide initiative to assist in host family recruitment for select groups of AFS students arriving this August. This initiative will run for approximately six weeks. Resources tailored for these select groups will be sent weekly to all Area Team Chairs and Hosting Volunteers. If you would like […]
New marketing materials, including a general AFS flyer, Pass Peace Forward post cards, and AFS Next post cards are ready to order here. There are still plenty of Seeds for Peace packets available to order as well! If you need any assistance in ordering these materials, please contact
Across the U.S., there are a handful of non-Community Placed students appearing as available students for your team’s ZIP codes in Meet the Students and MyAFS. There are several reasons why this is happening. First, there are still a few students in Regionally Available status, each of whom will show up as being available in Meet […]
Congratulations to the Compton Family and Andrey of Brazil (of the Michigan Area Team), the winners of the 3rd annual Reel Life contest! The family has been awarded with a trip to one of four cities, joined by their hosted student, Andrey. With over 60,000 votes cast for all of the entries combined, the contest […]
The arrival of this year’s AFS Exchange Students is just around the corner. That means we have a great opportunity this summer to encourage new families to join our global community! To help kick this year’s “hosting season” into high gear, we’re bringing back our popular campaign, the 10 for 10 Challenge. Starting Tuesday, June […]
Periodically, AFS International will update our brand guidelines (also sometimes referred to as our “visual identity”) to ensure that the organization remains modern and accessible to the public. While aspects like the logo and mission statement don’t often change, other parts of the overall look-and-feel of our marketing materials and website may shift. It’s important […]
As of this week, AFS volunteers with an active ‘Hosting Volunteer’ affiliation now have access to the “Advanced Search” button in Global Link’s Hosting Lead Management section. The Advanced Search feature allows you to more easily search hosting leads in your team by city, ZIP code or high school! To access it, go into Hosting […]