The deadline to apply for the NSLI-Y scholarship is rapidly approaching! Digital brochures and posters are now available.
Tag: Outbound Sponsored Programs
The Outbound Sponsored Programs team is happy to announce that the 2018-19 CBYX, NSLI-Y and YES Abroad applications are now available online. Please join us in spreading the news about these full scholarship programs which are sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) is a merit-based […]
My Year in Germany As a sophomore in high school, I was lucky enough to meet an AFS Exchange Student studying at a local high school. After hearing about her experiences, I met with my local AFS Volunteers to discuss the different opportunities to study abroad, including the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) scholarship. I wanted […]
I had just arrived in Germany and after being awake for many, many hours, I was almost at the end of my journey. I was riding a train from Frankfurt Airport to Berlin with two very kind AFS Germany Volunteers and two exchange students, both nervous to meet their host families for the first time […]
Back in the fall, my school hosted a special day where all of the classes sold food or handicrafts to other students to raise money for class trips and other activities. My class decided to sell moo bing, or grilled flavored pork on a stick. I joined many of my classmates the day before to […]
Great news! You can now view lists of ALL 2017-18 NSLI-Y summer and academic year finalists and 2017-18 YES Abroad finalists. How to Access the Finalists Lists: As a security measure to safeguard student privacy, volunteers must possess an AFS Wiki username and password to access the finalists lists. Please log into your AFS Wiki […]
AFS-implemented CBYX and YES Abroad Finalists can be expected in Global Link by April 7, and we’ll plan to send emails to all TDS staff as soon as they’re available so that in-home information session and PDO invites can go out! In the meantime, we’re happy to share two YES Abroad highlight stories: Reflections from […]
NSLI-Y finalist announcements are underway! All summer finalists have been notified about their status and academic year candidates will continue to receive responses through April. The timeline on the Wiki page will continue to be updated as program finalist announcements go out. A list of all finalist winners will be uploaded to the AFS NSLI-Y […]