How Studying Abroad Has Broadened an AFSer’s Perspective Kyla McKim had a fruitful study abroad experience in Germany last year. As the recipient of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange scholarship program, she traveled from Pennsylvania to Germany to study abroad for 10 months. During her time as an exchange student, she learned how to assimilate to […]
Tag: Sending
Julius, an AFS Returnee who studied abroad in Portugal, told us what a typical day was like during his exchange. Share his experience on Facebook so more students can see how amazing—and amazingly ordinary—life is on an AFS high school program abroad! Share post P.S. The application deadline for many Year and Semester programs, including […]
An easy-to-read guide to AFS Scholarships is now available to download. Please reach out to with any questions.
Thanks for following along with Project: Change these past few months. Stay tuned for the winners’ announcement in mid-February!
AFS-USA will be closed from 2:00 PM ET December 22 and will reopen on January 2. There will be Duty Officer coverage the entire time.
Support our newest generation of change-makers by checking out the Project: Change entries and casting your vote. Contest voting will be open from now until Jan. 10, 2018.
The application deadline for our Fall 2018 Year and Semester High School Programs has been extended until January 25, 2018!
The second Sell Sheet highlights the details and benefits of the Italy High School Program, the Spain High School Program, and the Costa Rica Summer Community Service program.
Which study abroad program would you pick: a year attending high school in Germany or a summer exploring language and culture in China?
To highlight a few of our priority programs, Marketing is producing a series of fact sheets that outline the details and benefits of select destinations.