Text Opt-ins for Sending

Text Opt-ins for Sending

In 2017, we all know the best way to get in touch with a high schooler is by text. So, it’s high time that we meet our customers where they are and introduce text messaging into our recruitment practices.

No more lead cards: introducing text opt-ins

When giving a school presentation or holding a tabling event, common practice in the past has been to pass out “lead cards” for interested students to fill out. However, the process for a student going from writing down their name on a card to actually getting started on their application was long and arduous. So, we’re making it easier.

Starting in late October (keep your eyes out for the announcement on MyAFS News), students will be able to text a message from their cell phones, receive a link to the application, and get started right then and there.


Try it out! Text SENDINGDEMO to 21333 and you’ll receive a reply just for AFS Volunteers. 


“Text opt-in”cards will be available to order from our fulfillment site and can be passed out at presentations and events. These will replace the previous “lead cards.” They will include everything the student needs to get started, along with a fun culture quiz to help them get hooked and stay engaged. If the student would prefer not to send a text, they will still have what they need to go online and start an application there.

Text communication throughout the application process.

Now that we’ve introduced texting to get started, why not encourage students to text our Study Abroad Specialists with questions?

Throughout the application process, students can now communicate with specialists via text, and receive a quick reply to their questions in a timely manner. Likewise, we can send out application reminders and key info, (judiciously, of course), throughout the process.

This texting platform is in a pilot stage and is being used for now only with study abroad applicants. As we discover the best ways to use the tool, it may be expanded to other uses. Stay tuned!

So wait, why are we doing this?!

Texting is quicker: For short, easy conversations, high schoolers now use texting as their primary mode of communication – far more than phone calls or even emails. (See the data.) By fitting our processes into theirs, we remove barriers for students to engage with AFS.

It’s free to start an application: Previously, AFS charged $75 to start an application, so we needed some way for students to indicate interest without paying. Now, it doesn’t cost anything to get started. Giving students a link to the application – instead of having them fill out a lead card and wait for follow-up – is the quickest and easiest way for them to “start their journey.”

Go ahead — try it out! Text SENDINGDEMO to 21333.