The Passing of Ward Chamberlin, American Field Service Ambulance Driver and AFS Board Trustee

The Passing of Ward Chamberlin, American Field Service Ambulance Driver and AFS Board Trustee

A Message from AFS International President, Daniel Obst

Dear AFS Friends,

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Ward B. Chamberlin, Jr., who passed away on February 23, 2017. Ward, a pioneer in public broadcasting in the United States, first became involved with AFS as an ambulance driver, and later became a major and commanding officer of AFS 485 Company during World War II. He went on to help create the AFS exchange programs after the war, becoming a director and serving on the general council, first as chair of the AFS Board of Trustees and finally as a Life Trustee.

The impact Ward has had on AFS is immeasurable, and we have all benefited from his dedication, inspiration, sense of humor and friendship for many years. While not all of us were fortunate enough to meet him in person, as AFSers we are all influenced by his incredible legacy and the organization he helped to create and then shape.

You can read more about Ward in the article on our website here. We will share more information regarding a memorial service and commemorations for Ward as soon as we have that information available.

Rest in peace, Ward. You will be missed.


Daniel Obst