Today is World Teachers’ Day!

Today is World Teachers’ Day!

Happy World Teachers’ Day from AFS-USA! In addition to the AFS-USA resources and opportunities available to educators and schools at, here are three upcoming events that we encourage you to share with teachers you know:

1. Educator Meet & Greet with Malaysia – In collaboration with AFS Malaysia, we’re bringing both U.S. and Malaysian educators together for a meet and greet event. Join us on Monday, October 18, 2021 at 8:30pm Eastern Time to learn about opportunities for virtual exchange and to be matched with a teacher with whom you can partner this year. All grade levels and subject areas are welcome to join. Register here.

2. Earn Your Global Competence Certificate with Teachers from China – Learn more about yourself and others while earning professional growth points toward license renewal by enrolling in the Global Competence Certificate program. Together with a group of Chinese educators, you’ll explore a variety of topics from identity, learning styles, dealing with conflict across cultures, navigating polarization, and spiritual diversity. Seats are limited so don’t delay. The deadline to apply is October 22nd, 2021 for a November start date. Register here.

3. Earn Your Global Competence Certificate with Teachers from Greece and England – Just like above, learn more about yourself and others while earning professional growth points toward license renewal by enrolling in the Global Competence Certificate program. Together with a group of Greek and English educators you’ll explore a variety of topics from identity, learning styles, dealing with conflict across cultures, navigating polarization, and spiritual diversity. All grade levels and subject areas are welcome. You must be an early career (<8 years) or pre-service teacher to apply. Register now as there’s an end of October start date.

Thank you for collaborating with educators and schools in your area to create global citizens!