Update from the President of AFS-USA

Update from the President of AFS-USA

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

The understanding of and consequences of this global pandemic change every day here in the US and in the home countries of the AFSer(s) we are hosting.

None of us living together on this planet today can escape the current atmosphere of anxiety. The AFS program is ending early in an increasing number of countries, and others will follow. We are communicating directly with the AFS students in the US whose home AFS organizations have decided to have them return home.

I have been made aware that you may be hearing about this.

I am writing to clarify that AFS-USA is also considering the same decision. At this point in time there is no statement being made that the AFS program in the US is ending on a specific date. We have communicated this to both the host students and host families.

As careful planning and evaluation take place, we will update you and share news.

From all of us at AFS-USA I thank you for all that you do as volunteers.

Tara M. Hofmann
President & CEO