Update: Victory in Protecting Funding for Student Exchange Programs

Update: Victory in Protecting Funding for Student Exchange Programs

Thanks to your swift advocacy efforts, we have successfully defended crucial funding for educational and cultural exchange programs in the proposed FY25 House SFOPS funding bill.

Your actions helped to make a significant impact:

  • Amendment 38 (#158), which sought to eliminate Department of State exchange program funding, was withdrawn last night.
  • Amendment 1 (#83), aiming to reduce exchange program funding by $20 million, was decisively defeated by a vote of 246-164 on the House floor.
  • Amendment 13 (#15), which targeted funding for the TechCamp program, was also defeated with a vote of 254-156.

Together with other concerned citizens and organizations, around 391 Representatives were contacted by email and, in turn, they received numerous phone calls and other outreach efforts. This concerted advocacy effort underscored the importance of these programs to our representatives

During the debates, Rep. Barbara Lee (CA) remarked, “These programs foster mutual understanding between the people of the United States and of other countries and promote peace and understanding. They allow us to promote our values of democracy, freedom of the press and civic participation.”

Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY) added, “Amendments proposed today zero out funding for Ukraine, for USAID, for humanitarian and natural disaster relief, and for educational exchange programs. That’s critical to promoting America’s standing around the world.”

As always, your dedication and advocacy played a pivotal role in safeguarding these vital programs. All of us at AFS-USA are immensely grateful to you for your unwavering support and commitment to the mission of our organization.

Thank you once again for your advocacy and for making a difference!