What’s Next in the Volunteer Recruitment Campaign?

What’s Next in the Volunteer Recruitment Campaign?

Now that we are recruiting new volunteers, what’s next? Volunteer participation is crucial during the Volunteer Recruitment Campaign to engage new volunteers. When we all pull together, remarkable things can happen!

Imagining what your team can do to help? Ponder no more, and join us for one of the upcoming zoom calls that will discuss just that.

  • Discover the newest features in MyAFS
  • Find those new volunteers to ____________(name your team’s need)
  • Locate all the volunteer engagement resources
  • Review best practices for our newest members
  • Plan what steps we can take to ensure volunteers stay engaged

You’ll hear tips from the Volunteer Engagement Advisory Group, as well as teams sharing their tips on what they do to engage new folks.

Register here for one of the two dates for this call.

If you are excited to see the Volunteer Recruitment Campaign become a reality and want to get involved, sign up here.

We look forward to working with you throughout the recruitment campaign!

Volunteer Engagement Advisory Group (VEAG)

Volunteer Onboarding Unit