Who Can Conduct and Submit a Monthly Contact

Who Can Conduct and Submit a Monthly Contact

Did you know that in order to conduct and enter a monthly contact you are only required to have your HSA trainings and DoS certifications? That means if you have contact with a student or host family, even if you are not their assigned liaison, your contact can count for that month’s requirement.

This can be especially useful at the end of the year when it’s a busy time for our students and host families, and it may be harder for liaisons to touch base with them. Take advantage of your team’s end-of-year events (farewell picnics, orientations, etc.) or any community events (such as graduations) to make contact and help your team out. Then don’t forget to record it! (This is also a chance for you to check out the new MyAFS Contacts & Visits widget.)

Not sure how to enter a contact or have other questions? Check out these instructions on MyAFS Help & Learning.