You’re Invited to the First Connect with Schools Webinar!

You’re Invited to the First Connect with Schools Webinar!

The 2019 AFS Volunteer Summit was themed “Back to Schools” in an effort to remind all participants that we must build and/or rebuild true relationships that go beyond the transaction of whether or not they will host our students. It is critical and it is what makes the AFS work even more rewarding. The Summit was a launch of new ideas, fresh perspectives and renewed enthusiasm to revisit our relationships with schools moving forward.

The “Connect with Schools” page on MyAFS Help and Learning has been completely updated with new and updated content. EVERY volunteer & staff member who will have any interaction with a school should familiarize themselves with the materials that have been posted.

To provide you with similar access to all materials for the Summit, you are invited to join us for a webinar to hear about building school relationships. To sign up, click on one of the links below. These two webinars will introduce you to what we mean by school relationships, why they are critical and how to begin fostering those connections now. These webinars are also the kickoff to a series of webinars throughout January and February to give every volunteer access to the breakout sessions from the Summit. Again, we encourage you and your team to visit the Connect with Schools page on MyAFS Help and Learning to see all of the tools and information to help build/rebuild strong school relationships

Please join us for one of the following two webinars to Connect with Schools in 2020:

Option 1: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 at 1:00pm EDT

Option 2: Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 8:00pm EDT


Jill Woerner
Director of School Outreach