2020-21 NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Finalist Information Available!

2020-21 NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Finalist Information Available!

Please note that this message is internal and for reference by AFS-USA Volunteers regarding the NSLI-Y and YES Abroad programs.

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

We hope this message finds you well during these difficult times.

The NSLI-Y and YES Abroad staff are happy to share that a list of all 2020-21 NSLI-Y Virtual Summer Intensive, NSLI-Y academic year, and YES Abroad finalists from your respective areas have been sent to the Interview Coordinators for the NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Interview Season in your areas.

As a student privacy measure, links to the data are only sent to Interview Coordinators, and only available to registered AFS volunteers using their AFS Global Link username and password. Accessing the data:

  • If you are an Interview Coordinator for the NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Interview Season and have not received the list email as of this posting, please reach us at nsliforyouth@afsusa.org.
  • If you are an Interviewer for the NSLI-Y/YES Abroad Interview Season and have not received data for your area, please reach your Interview Coordinator or contact us at nsliforyouth@afsusa.org.

Data privacy:

  • The NSLI-Y and YES Abroad lists are accurate as of May 27 and June 11, respectively.
  • The lists do not contain students who declined finalist offers or alternate candidates.
  • Finalists who have been assigned to programs implemented by AFS are listed in bold.
    • Finalists who have been assigned to other implementing organizations should not be contacted by AFS unless they have previously expressed interest in being contacted by AFS.
  • The lists will be removed on June 19 and the data is confidential to registered AFS volunteers –the data must not be shared outside of registered AFS volunteers in your area.

More information about the new NSLI-Y Virtual Summer Intensive is available here.

We sincerely thank everyone who was involved in working to successfully complete another NSLI-Y and YES Abroad interview season!

With our best wishes and appreciation,

Hannah Stewart, NSLI-Y Specialist
Melissa Rossi, NSLI-Y Coordinator
Allen Evans, Manager, Outbound Sponsored Programs