2021 Study Abroad Programs Update

2021 Study Abroad Programs Update

The following email was sent to all study abroad applicants and their parents. Please contact studyabroad@afsusa.org with any questions!


We have resumed application processing for all 2021 Study Abroad programs and our summer program opportunities are now available. Please visit our website to check out all of our 2021 program offerings and start or continue your application today!

What’s New? 

We have updated our application to make the process a more self-service experience. When you have completed your full application, staff are here to review your information and talk to you about next steps!

In early 2021 we will be launching new Language Proficiency testing that will be a free addition to your participation in our program. After your immersive study abroad experience, take an ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) approved language proficiency test to be able to add to your resume! *This will only apply to certain programs, more information to come.

AFS-USA has worked with its international partners around the network to ensure that the programs we are currently offering follow the indicators developed by our parent organization, AFS International, assessing program viability during COVID-19. These indicators include:

  • Government restrictions on entry to the country
  • Government restrictions on travel within the country (trains, buses, etc.)
  • International Travel
  • Restrictions on facilities and supplies (shops, restaurants, sports and cultural activities, etc.)
  • Availability of schools and willingness to accept exchange students at this time
  • Hospitals and Government preparedness status

What Now? 

Visit our webpage to get started or sign back in to continue to work on your application! We are so excited to help you on your life-changing journey to study abroad and are available through chat or at studyabroad@afsusa.org to answer any questions you may have. Start working on your application today!

ALSO, the AFS-USA office will be closed for the holidays beginning at 2PM EST on December 24th – January 4th. We will have limited monitoring of our general inboxes to watch for any emergencies (studyabroad@afsusa.org, and sendingvisas@afsusa.org). Otherwise, please use this break to work on your application and we will be back in touch in the New Year!

-The AFS-USA Study Abroad Team