2022 AFS-USA Holiday Card Submission Now Open!

2022 AFS-USA Holiday Card Submission Now Open!

We’re looking for submissions for our 2022 Holiday Card Contest! Students are invited to design a card representing the peace and joy their AFS experience has brought into their life and share it with the world.  

We’re inviting hosted students to submit drawings, graphics, and illustrations inspired by their AFS experience. The final product will have their artwork on the front of the card, with their name, program year, and a short description of the design. Remember, we’re looking for something more than just a photo. Students are encouraged to use their best artistic skills, whether that’s drawing, painting, graphic design, or another visual medium!  

Students should be creative and design something that best illustrates their AFS Holiday spirit. Please keep in mind that not everyone in the AFS community celebrates the same holidays; encourage your student to design a card representing the peace and friendship they’ve experienced through AFS that you’ll be celebrating together this holiday season. 

Submissions are due December 2, 2022. The winner will receive an AFS-USA t-shirt – other prizes may be announced during the contest. The winning holiday card will be distributed to the AFS community digitally (and possibly in print form.) 

Holiday Video Submission Request 

We’re also looking for video submissions to share on our social media channels this holiday season! Students, host families, and volunteers are encouraged to take videos of their celebrations this season – whether that’s cooking together, sharing holiday customs for the first time, or ice skating with family and friends, we want to showcase what the holidays mean to our AFS community. Videos can be uploaded using this form for a chance to be featured on our social media. 

If you or your student have any questions about the contest or submitting holiday videos, please reach out to us at marketing@afsusa.org 

We look forward to seeing everyone’s submissions – in the meantime, we hope your holiday season is off to a joyful start!