2023-2024 Hosted Students Available for Placement!

2023-2024 Hosted Students Available for Placement!

As we look ahead toward hosting in NH23, many of you will have noted that the first NH23 participants have already been distributed for placement, in Nationally Available status. These amazing Sponsored Programs and Core Program participants are applicants who were rolled over from NH22 due to a lack of a host family placement. Please begin showing these students to potential host families in your area, so that we can get an early start on family and school placements for arrival next August.  You can view these students via the MyAFS Placements widget. The Application Distribution Process is still being reviewed and updated, but the rules outlined on MyAFS Help & Learning are still in effect, for now. When and if changes are made to the distribution process in the coming weeks, we will share a follow-up communication that outlines the changes. In the meantime, the distribution of applications will continue as they are received from the sending partners.

Please reach out to your Regional Field Specialist with any questions or if you are interested in learning more about helping to place students in your team.

Thank you all for your incredible efforts – and we’re looking forward to a successful NH23 placement season!