A Global Prom for the Class of 2019-20 on June 5!

A Global Prom for the Class of 2019-20 on June 5!

The AFS-USA Global Prom—a night of music, dance, games and more hosted by the AFS-USA Alumni Relations Team and Young Volunteers—will be an opportunity for our newest alumni to connect with other AFSers from all parts of the U.S. and internationally. If you are looking for more ways to support and entertain your former exchange students, including those still sheltering in place, please follow and share this link for the event invitation. For any questions about Global Prom, please email Minela Kajmak at mkajmak@afsusa.org.

Additional resources and opportunities specifically designed for young alumni can be found on our website here: www.afsusa.org/alumni/young-alumni-resources.