A Second Chance to Live with a Host Family Abroad

A Second Chance to Live with a Host Family Abroad

Do you know a returnee who’s been wondering when they are going to have another experience like their AFS high school program abroad? Or a young adult who has dreamed of a high school program abroad, but wasn’t able to make it? We’re here to tell you that it’s time for their second chance!

AFSNext offers a number of opportunities for participants 18+ to go back abroad for round two. Spend a semester or summer living with a host family, earning college credits, and participating in service-learning projects where participants can give back to their host community. Whether they’re interested in a gap program, a summer, or a semester abroad from their current university, we can work with them to find the perfect program. Are they looking to fill a full year? They can pick two programs to join back to back.

AFSNext Study Abroad programs include the following themes and destinations for Fall, Spring, and Summer terms:

Have questions or know anybody that would be interested in an AFSNext program? We’re happy to help! Email or call us at info@afsnext.org or (877)-AFS-NEXT.