Above the Call of Duty Week 3: Recognizing AFS-USA Volunteers

Above the Call of Duty Week 3: Recognizing AFS-USA Volunteers

The following AFS-USA Volunteers have gone above and beyond the call of duty these last few weeks – thank you for all you do!

David Ubogy, Greater Chicago Area Team


Photos: Father’s Day wishes from my Argentinian daughter Jazz (NH19 ARG); Jazz with our family, after a dance recital.

Let’s start with a few basics; How did you first learn about AFS, and what prompted you to get involved?

I learned about AFS about 8 years ago, through email outreach.

What keeps you coming back to volunteer each year?

The students, of course.

What’s one thing that AFS volunteers and staff don’t know about you?

I met my wife SCUBA diving on Grand Cayman Island! And I welded steel sculpture, was a juggling clown, and a gold medal winning archer at summer camp.

Recently you have done something extra special to help AFS students, host families, fellow volunteers and staff. Can you give us some of the details behind these actions?

I’m a bit of a Jack-of-All-Trades (and master of none certainly) when it comes to AFS. I’m usually a host father, often a liaison, and also a hosting coordinator, support coordinator, Julie-Cruise-Director, and occasionally Chief Cook and Bottle Washer. But last month the stars aligned, and I was able to bring to bear my professional training with the AFS mission. I am a pediatrician, and when there was a panicked rush to get Fit-to-Fly letters for our Thai students, I organized a group of doctors and nurses around the country to use telemedicine to assess them and then write the letters. Unfortunately, the Thai government managed to change their requirements a number of times, and I ended up re-doing many of these letters at 1 in the morning, prior to driving our students to O’Hare at 4. We saw them off, then did it all over again at midnight, when we had to pick the same students up again. Suffice it to say they’d had an unexpected scenic tour of Sea-Tac airport! Finally, we had to scramble to find quarantine housing for the students, since they’d left their families and been exposed while traveling. All’s well that ends well, however. At long last all the Thai students are home safe with their families.

Cameron Lee, Greater Chicago Area Team

Photo: Cameron pictured on far right in the red shirt. This was taken during the Thai departures last month.

Let’s start with a few basics; How did you first learn about AFS, and what prompted you to get involved?

My family hosted Francesca from Italy. It was a great experience that led me to study abroad with AFS and volunteer upon my return.

What keeps you coming back to volunteer each year?

I enjoy my fellow volunteers! I look forward to volunteering with them at all our events. They’re a lot of fun and we’ve built a wonderful relationship.

What’s one thing that AFS volunteers and staff don’t know about you?

I’m graduating college in a few days!

Recently you have done something extra special to help AFS students, host families, fellow volunteers and staff. Can you give us some of the details behind these actions?

I volunteered for departures in Chicago. I helped organize and coordinate the charter flights to Europe, the flight to Indonesia, and the flight to Thailand. I also took vitals for the Thai students who needed their fit to fly certifications.

Do you know any volunteers, host families, or returnees who have gone above the call of duty lately?

Let us know by emailing their name and story to marketing@afsusa.org!