AFS-USA Matching Campaign: We Need You Now!

AFS-USA Matching Campaign: We Need You Now!

Dear AFS-USA Volunteers,

I hope this finds you all doing well. I am getting in touch to let you know that right now, AFS-USA is launching a major fundraising campaign that will employ all of the communications tools we can- direct mail; email; social media; zoom calls and telephone calls (and when possible in-person calls) with donors; and a fundraising challenge to match $500,000 which has been generously set-up by Bert and Candace Forbes, long-time donors and supporters of AFS-USA. More than 96% of our individual donations come from people who have had a direct experience with AFS-USA at some point in their lives, and so we are focused on reaching especially alumni, former host families and natural families.

I don’t need to tell you that due to COVID-19, AFS-USA is in crisis: we’ve repatriated nearly 2,000 students, some on planes we chartered, have had to cancel summer programs, needed to lay-off more than 80% of our staff; reduced operating costs by 60%, and are facing an uncertain future for this coming academic year. With this critical fundraising campaign, we are asking people to: ‘Think about how AFS has contributed to your life. Now is the time to give back or give again.’ 

Here are three ways you can help:

1. Share our recent posts on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn, and Twitter on your social networks which will direct people to our fundraising page;

2. If you have people who can be considered or are major donors in your network or in your AFS team, or think they could be, we would be happy to meet with them. Just email Marlene at and we will set up a time to talk;

3. How has AFS-USA affected your life as a staff member or volunteer? Your gift of any size will help. Please give what you can.

We will keep you informed of this Campaign that will run through this summer.

Thank you for all of the ways you support AFS-USA.

With warm regards,

Tara M. Hofmann
President & CEO