Is being a facilitator a part of volunteering with AFS-USA that you enjoy? We hope so!
Author: Jill Woerner
Listen to the newest AFS Exchange Podcast episode and stay tuned for 3 additional episodes this month celebrating our 75th Anniversary!
How many schools on your team have been part of the AFS story since the 70s? What about the 50s or 60s?
Would you like an introductory overview of the MyAFS Volunteer Portal?
Visit our Building your Skills Help & Learning page for examples and tutorials of what you could add to your resume, LinkedIn profile, and more!
Join the Foundations of Intercultural Learning and Global Competence Course – a must for all AFS staff and volunteers.
If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Azerbaijan culture, October’s international diners club is perfect. Join our virtual call Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30 pm EST.
AFS-USA is celebrating 75 years of empowering people to become globally engaged citizens by delivering meaningful intercultural experiences. Share your AFS story with us today!
Nominate a Global Educator or Global School Today!
The September 2022 Edition of the Global Educator Newsletter is now available! Please share these opportunities and resources with educators in your community. Thank you!