Barbara Hart’s boundless dedication and unwavering commitment to AFS-USA leaves an indelible mark on all of us who had the privilege of knowing her. Her passion for fostering cultural exchange and understanding was not only evident but infectious, touching the lives of countless individuals across the Modesto area and beyond.
Author: Melvin Harmon
Quite a few adjustments have been made to how we provide AFS experiences to U.S. students and this information may help you in setting expectations and answering the questions of your applicants and their parents/guardians.
On July 25th, the President and CEO of AFS-USA, Tara Hofmann, spoke before a virtual audience of AFS volunteers and staff. She shared a message that reminded us of why we do what we do and how important our work is to the world in which we currently live.
After much review, discussion, and conversation, and in consultation with the AFS-USA Board of Directors, the very difficult decision was made to close our AFSNext operation once the last participants have returned home.