Author: Tara Hofmann

An Invitation to Take Part in an AFS-USA Focus Group

AFS-USA has contracted the services of Hines-Gaither Consulting, LLC (HGC). HGC is a diversity, equity, and inclusion firm with over 15 years of experience. They’ve worked with nationally recognizable corporations and organizations throughout the United States, and they’re staffed with content experts who are highly qualified in their fields of expertise. Through their assessment and guidance, we hope to foster a culture of belonging, equity, and inclusion more effectively throughout our organization. One of the most important steps in the assessment process will involve meeting with AFS-USA volunteers to conduct focus group interviews.

A Special Thank You Message From Tara Hofmann

Regardless of all that we’ve encountered this year, the adjustments we’ve made, and the resulting sacrifices we’ve faced, I am extraordinarily thankful for all that AFS-USA Volunteers have accomplished this year. Whether it was helping facilitate the mass repatriation of our students, moving full-speed ahead with family-finding, implementing new methods for engaging with host families, students, and other volunteers, or any of the multitude of investments of time and talent, you have kept the AFS mission alive and well.

November 2nd FLEX and YES Program Transition Update

I know that last week’s announcement indicating a significant change to our inbound FLEX and YES programs was not only disappointing, but also unsettling. Many of you have worked hard to place these students with host families while also looking for new host families to host the unplaced students. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, regardless of this transition to a virtual-only program for the spring, and I am grateful for the work you’ve done on behalf of these participants.