Be a Part of the Future of AFS-USA: RSVP Now!

Be a Part of the Future of AFS-USA: RSVP Now!

Do you want to be part of the next chapter of AFS? Do you want to keep the AFS mission alive in your community?

This year, more than ever, it is critical for the future of AFS-USA that we meet our goal of hosting approximately 1,200 international students for the 2021-2022 school year.  To achieve this, we will need everyone’s help.

As we ramp up to rebuild and host students eight months from now in August 2021, we wanted to provide a place for Volunteers and the Field Staff to share, connect, and have some fun.

So that next fall will be the best it can be for AFS, we need to work collaboratively, and that means starting our planning and activities now.

We invite you to join the AFS-USA Hosting Academy and become an AFS Hosting Hero! Please submit your interest in joining the Academy here!

What is the Hosting Academy?

  • The Hosting Academy is designed for all Volunteers to learn more or enhance their skills on:
  • The Hosting Process: What and Why
  • The nuts and bolts of Hosting
  • Engaging more Volunteers in Hosting
  • The power of “word of mouth” and host family finding in your community
  • Learning how to identify a great host family
  • Making connections in your community to spread the word about the life changing opportunity and experience of hosting an international exchange student
  • The impact of School Outreach and Relationships
  • Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (I.D.E.A)
  • Hosting and COVID-19

How will the Hosting Academy work? 

  • The Academy will start the week of January 18, 2021
  • It will take place weekly over the course of five weeks, with each week focusing on a new topic
  • There will be two virtual components each week:
  • A self-paced/directed online learning component
  • A group discussion on the content of that week’s online learning component to share and connect ideas and experiences, and plan on how to utilize the topics discussed

What will be required of me each week? 

  • We ask that you:
    • Complete the online learning component, this should take no more than 30-45 minutes each week
    • Attend one 60-minute group discussion each week (we are hoping to offer a discussion time during the day and evening each week to be as flexible as possible with schedules and time zones)
    • Participate fully, think creatively, be open-minded, and share success stories and lessons-learned

Who is the Hosting Academy for? 

  • The Academy is designed for all VolunteersIt speaks to all who have already helped with hosting efforts in the past as well as persons who don’t define their involvement in hosting terms
  • We invite Volunteers new to AFS as well as those new to Hosting
  • We will also cover topics that will be relevant to our more experienced Hosting Volunteers
  • We are looking for Volunteers committed to engaging in any or all aspects of the Hosting process
  • Our shared goal is that the mission of AFS is not only sustained but has the ability to reach new communities as well, and to make that a reality we invite people of all walks of AFS life to participate!
