Benefits of Volunteering with AFS

Benefits of Volunteering with AFS

Studies have shown that volunteering can provide a mental health boost that decreases the risk of depression. Spending time with people who share common interests and goals results in a sense of community and connectedness that can combat feelings of anxiety and loneliness. And of course, doing something that’s making a difference in the world leads to feeling fulfilled.

Last night’s volunteer info session yielded EIGHT new volunteer applicants, and we’re working on getting them connected to their teams. The Volunteer Recruitment Campaign continues! You can check out your region’s progress in your MyAFS snapshot.

Know someone who loves self-improvement and would make a great volunteer? Point them to the registration portal here, and we’ll get them started. What if they want a little more information about volunteering? They can join an info session here. Thank you for helping us expand the AFS family!

AFS Volunteers and Students in the Capital Area Team
AFS Volunteers and Students in the Capital Area Team