Call for Volunteers: Virtual Student Hangouts

Call for Volunteers: Virtual Student Hangouts

In response to limited AFSer-to-AFSer connections and opportunities for student engagement this cycle, the Participant Support Department is reviving the virtual hosted Student Hangouts to keep these vital peer life-lines intact.

We are looking for volunteers interested in facilitating these virtual hosted Student Hangouts. Your role would be to welcome the students, conduct an ice breaker with the group, facilitate student-to-student connections, and generally just hang out!

You do not need to be in an Area Team actively hosting this cycle. Any Area Team can participate.

What is the commitment?

-One-hour commitment on a select Wednesday night at 8pm EST, 7pm CST, 6pm MST, 5pm PT, 4pm AK

-Brief preparation call with Support staff in advance of your date (no more than a half hour, unless you have a lot of questions!).

How will I be prepared?

-Support staff will schedule the Zoom meeting and send the invite to all hosted students.

-You will be provided with the logistical information you need in advance of the event.

-You will also be provided with a Student Hangout Guide including information on how to conduct the Student Hangout, suggested icebreakers, how to respond to questions or concerns, and other suggested activities or discussions if needed.

-Of course, we’re here to answer any other questions you have!

What are the qualifications?

-Must be a fully registered volunteer.

-Must be up to date on DoS, HSA, and Online Liaison Training.

-Confident in managing a Zoom meeting

-Willing to be a co-facilitator with another volunteer, or a solo facilitator possibly in a break-out room.

How do I sign up?

Use this link to fill out your interest form. You will be asked to share your availability for the specific dates of the scheduled Student Hangouts. Support Staff will contact you directly to confirm which date(s) you will facilitate based on overall interest, availability, and need.